Youth and family Ministries
Planting seeds of hope, love and faith.
Children are a precious gift from God and Trinity is “Kid Friendly”. We offer a variety of options for children of every age.
Options in Worship
Make a joyful noise! Worship (Sundays, 10:30am except for Summers at 9:30am)
We encourage families with children of all ages to join in our worship in the sanctuary. You can sit anywhere. We do have a children’s area with tables, chairs and quiet toys in the front right area of the sanctuary. We also have a children’s area with books and activities set up in the narthex (church entrance), should your children want to take a little walk and have break from the sanctuary.
Children’s Message: During each Sunday service, Pr. Stephanie offers and interactive Children’s Message. All children and youth are invited forward to join her. If it makes your children more comfortable, you can come forward with them.
Children and Youth Help in Worship: We encourage children and youth to assist during worship as greeters and ushers and readers, or as an assistant to the pastor for some rites. Please contact Pr. Stephanie if your child/youth is interested in helping: spjaeger@tlcsi.org or cell/text: 929-314-6031
9am Simple Worship Pilot in Late Nov./Dec.: For the four Sundays preceding Christmas, we will be piloting a simplified worship service designed with kids in mind. We will meet in an interactive service from 9:00am to 9:40am in the sanctuary.

Christian Education

Sunday School:
From September through May, Trinity offers Sunday School for children of all ages. (For children 3 and under we ask a designated grownup to attend with them). Children meet with staff and volunteer teaches from 9:45am to 10:45am in the Sunday school room one level below the sanctuary. During Sunday School, grownups are welcome to coffee in the church kitchen and to connect with one another or with Pr. Stephanie and join in worship at 10:30am. At the close of Sunday School, the children are led up into the sanctuary for the children’s message. For questions or ideas about Sunday School, please contact Parish Assistant June Perrine: jperrine[at]tlcsi.org.
Pr. Stephanie offers a multifaceted confirmation program for youth, usually in grades 6-9, depending on the needs of the families and preparedness of the youth. In addition to weekly meetings at Trinity with learning activities alternating with service opportunities, youth in confirmation are asked to help at worship services and church events and are invited to a weekend “confirmation retreat.” For the rite of confirmation, confirmands prepare an “expression of faith” to share with the congregation during the worship service. This could be an essay, poetry or other work of art presented in church. To enroll in Confirmation, please contact Pr. Stephanie at: spjaeger[at]tlcsi.org.
We present the new child with a gift to acknowledge the birth/adoption of this new child of God. We also place a red rose on the altar for a Sunday. Please call the Trinity office at 718-447-0526 to let us know that a child has been born or adopted.
In this beautiful rite using blessed waters at the Baptismal font, we welcome the child into the family of God revealed in Jesus Christ, and we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit poured out upon them. Baptisms are held during regular Sunday worship services, after a preparatory session with the pastor (preparatory can be in person or on Zoom). To schedule baptismal preparation and a baptism, please contact the church office at 718-447-0526.
First Bible/Book:
The Trinity congregation sponsors gift children’s Bibles (or other book to those who already have children’s Bibles) on Reformation Sunday (the last Sunday of October). Elders in the congregation present Bibles to the young people as a cross-generational passing on of our shared Biblical roots. To register your child for Reformation Sunday First Bible or Book presentations, please contact June Perrine at jperrine[at]tlcsi.org.
Children are invited to attend a Communion Workshop to learn about the meaning of Holy Communion and the gift of Jesus Christ we receive in the bread and wine. At Trinity, we welcome children of all ages to commune; when children start communing is the decision of the family in consultation with the pastor. The Communion Workshop is designed both for children who already commune and those who are waiting until the children who have had intentional instruction about communion. On a Sunday after the Communion Worship is over, we hold a special (First) Communion celebration for the children during the regular Sunday worship. For information about our Communion Workshop contact: June Perrine at jperrine[at]tlcsi.org or cell/text: 646-369-7471.
Confirmation: (See Christian Education Above)
Young Adulthood/High School Graduation:
When youth of the congregation prepare to graduate from High School and move into young adulthood, at a church service in June Trinity recognizes graduates and offers a special prayer for the transition to their next steps in life, be that college or raining program or work. Please notify June Perrine at jperrine[at]tlcsi.org by April 30 if you have a youth in your family who will be graduating High School this year so we can coordinate the recognition of their achievement.